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Undergraduate Research Symposium

The 2025 College of Natural and Health Sciences (CNHS) Undergraduate Research Symposium provides an opportunity for students to present their research projects in a poster format. Research may have been performed as part of a course, an Honors Thesis, a project sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry or an independent project conducted under the supervision of a faculty mentor. Presentation of projects that are in progress or in the early stages of development is also encouraged.

The symposium provides participants with excellent preparation for future presentations in both educational and professional settings. Students who are not currently engaged in research projects are also encouraged to attend to learn more about student research within the College of Natural Health Sciences and the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry.

CNHS Undergraduate Research Symposium 2025

When: Friday, April 25, 2025
Time: 2-5 p.m.
Where: Vaughn Center Crescent Club, 9th floor
Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, April 14, 2025

Joseph TravisKeynote Speaker: Joseph Travis, Ph.D.

Joseph Travis is a distinguished professor of biology at Florida State University, renowned for his wide-ranging contributions to population biology. His recent work focuses on understanding the evolutionary forces shaping life histories and the mechanisms that sustain species coexistence within habitats.

Throughout his career, Travis has applied his biological expertise to address critical societal issues. He has served as an advisor to NOAA Fisheries on endangered salmon recovery, reviewed demographic models of black bears for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and chaired a National Academy of Science committee assessing the conservation status of wolves.

Travis's excellence in both research and teaching has earned him numerous accolades, including Florida State University's Robert O. Lawton Distinguished  Professor Award, the E.O. Wilson Award from the American Society of Naturalists and election to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in 2015.

Time: 2-3 p.m.

Where: Trustee Boardroom, Vaughn Center, 9th floor

Please direct questions to Alex Landy at

View the 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium program.

Poster Presentation

Time: 3-5 p.m.
Where: Crescent Room, Vaughn Center, 9th floor

十大外围足彩网站排行榜 College of Natural and Health Sciences faculty members will serve as judges to evaluate the quality of the research presented by students. Monetary prizes will be awarded to the top presentations at the end of the poster presentations.

The posters will be judged by faculty based on the following criteria:

  1. Clear focus or central research question/problem statement
  2. Sound research methodology
  3. Clear presentation of results/product/performance or expected outcome and ability to answer questions
  4. Progress on the project to date
  5. Contribution to the field or discussion of the potential impact

Suggested Presentation Guidelines

The purpose of the poster should be to engage audience members in a discussion of the research. The poster should be no larger than 3 feet tall by 4 feet wide. Easels with boards will be provided to display the posters. Posters should have a title and list of authors and their affiliations at the top. The body of the poster should be self-explanatory and include an appropriate balance of text and graphics in describing the research project or activity. Graphic components may include data tables, graphs, photographs or diagrams and should be labeled to communicate their significance.