Graduate assistantships are available to incoming qualified full-time graduate students starting in the fall or spring semesters. Graduate assistantships are awarded on a competitive basis contingent upon a student’s academic record and are offered by invitation only. Tuition support for graduate assistants (GA's) is available for fall and spring semesters only.
A full-time GA is eligible to receive a tuition waiver for 8-12 graduate-level credits during the upcoming semester. The total amount of tuition support for a full-time GA whose assistantship is renewed is 36 credit hours. A full-time GA also receives a $1,500 stipend per semester, administered through the Financial Aid Office. GA's must carry a full course load of at least 8 and no more than 14 credit hours per semester.
GA's are assigned to work 20 hours per week for an academic or administrative office. GA hours will generally be completed during standard working hours unless specified in the position description. These positions may require occasional exceptions as stated in the specific responsibilities. Please refer to the GA supervisor for more information.
All graduate assistants must maintain a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA. For additional information email
Eligible Programs:
- Master of Business Administration
- M.S. in Accounting
- M.S. in Business Analytics*(The M.S. in Business Analytics program is online, but a student may be eligible for the GA opportunity if they are willing and able to work on campus)
- M.S. in Cybersecurity
- M.S. in Entrepreneurship
- M.S. in Finance
- M.S. in Information and Technology Management
- M.S. in Marketing
- M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology
- M.S. in Criminology and Criminal Justice
- M.A. in Social and Emerging Media
- M.A. in Professional Communication
- Fall GA invitations are sent on a rolling basis, starting May 1.
- Spring GA invitations are sent on a rolling basis, starting Oct. 1.
*The M.S. in Business Analytics program is online, but a student may be eligible for the GA opportunity if they are willing and able to work on campus.